Who We Are?
Our Mission
To Build Believers through Love, Community, Practical Teaching & Real Life Application
The Vision of Celebration Tabernacle
“Call my people to be responsible to each other. Teach them how to love, nourish, care, strengthen, and minister within inner cities across the nation, speaking life that has been lost to urban society with all its wicked, promiscuous, and hateful sin.
Educate our children. Teach them to be aware of the wiles of the devil. Bring them to realize, in the early stages of their lives, the holiness to which God has called them. Make available to them the best teachers and resources that will enforce high scholastic aptitudes while imputing sound scriptural doctrine that will result in strong morals and magnanimous self-esteem.
Enable church governed financial institutions, designed for the use and care of the saints, to not have to depend on social agencies in times of despair nor resort to traditional financial institutions when in need of the things which make our lives here on earth more pleasant.
Help to educate and provide assistance to ministers for educational needs (Empyrean College, Empyrean Scholarship Foundation) and to liberally give to any good work formulated towards spreading the good news.”
Make the gospel available in every city, every state, every country, every region, and every land. Finally, prepare the way of the Lord, occupying until He comes: ‘Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ.’