Women Of Faith / Code of conduct
Mission Statement: “To encourage every woman in her journey to live God’s purpose-Provide spiritual life, healing, and growth in Christ”
Honesty. Ministry leaders strive to operate on the highest level of trust and integrity, which requires that we act honestly and fairly in our dealings with others. We strive to make all of our communication accurate, honest, and clear. We intentionally avoid misrepresenting the truth or misleading others.
Confidentiality. Ministry leaders respect the integrity and protect the welfare of individuals as well as the communities we serve. We take seriously our obligation to safeguard information entrusted to us . If there is a legitimate reason for the health and well-being of an individual or the community for us to divulge information that has been shared with us in confidence, we will actively seek permission for this disclosure from the person(s) providing us the information before doing so.
Nonviolence. Ministry leaders respect the inherent worth and dignity of all people and actively work to counter the forces of violence that inflict harm to individuals and communities. Such forms of violence include, but are not limited to, bias or discrimination on the basis of race, gender, gender identity, age, class, nationality, sexual orientation, physical or mental ability, and any other characteristic of human diversity.
Responsible Fiscal Management. Ministry leaders strive to be faithful stewards of the resources for which we are given responsibility, including financial resources.
Sexual Responsibility.Ministry leaders affirm sexuality as a gift from God and strive to honor this gift by conducting our own lives with integrity.
Responsible Use of Authority. Ministry leaders strive to use our authority responsibly. We use our professional training, relationships, and practices for the benefit of the people we serve and not to secure unfair personal advantage. We are mindful of the power differential that exists in our relationships with those we serve and supervise, and strive to structure these relationships in mutually respectful, mutually empowering, and non-exploitative ways.
Professional Services. Ministry leaders respect the various educational and vocational standards, as well as the systems of accreditation, affiliation, and mutual accountability that exist for our own and other professions. Therefore, as ministry leaders, we truthfully represent the facts of our professional qualifications and affiliations, and we limit our own professional practices to those for which we are equipped, authorized, and licensed.
Ethical and Responsible Use of Social Media. Understanding that we live in a world that is highly connected by social media and virtual technology, Ministry Leaders seek to maintain appropriate boundaries and behavior in the virtual world as in the physical world. We adhere to safe church practices in our use of digital communication as well as social media and networking sites.